What is the 10th Dimension?

Our passion for nature and love of business is captured through the essence of a coral reef, as depicted in our brand colours.

Coral reefs are the ocean’s most diverse and complex ecosystems, supporting 25% of all marine life. Healthy coral reefs have economic and recreational value and buffer shorelines against 97% of the energy from waves, storms, and floods, helping to prevent loss of life, property damage, and erosion. It generates half of Earth's oxygen. 

Coral reefs as an ecosystem is for us a symbol of businesses as ecosystems, which have accelerated during the 4th Industrial Revolution. Healthy businesses produce the oxygen for economies and buffer individuals against calamities.

We have always seen business, not as an abstract entity, but a living organism made by people for people. If a business loses its soul, it dies. Our services are therefore designed to keep the soul of a business healthy by looking beyond individual interests.

We are relentlessly curious. We understand that we must forever pursue new knowledge – for ourselves and for the benefit of our clients.

Taking our name from string theory which suggests that possibilities are infinite, 10th Dimension’s systematic approach is grounded in academic research and is designed to unlock hidden potential in every business.

We believe that solutions must seek to look beyond the obvious and therefore apply a 10th dimension attitude where infinite possibilities compel us to radically reconsider our perception of infinity, the possible and the impossible.

What is the 10th Dimension?

The 1st dimension is length, or x-axis. A straight line, with no other characteristics.

The 2nd dimension is length and height, or y-axis, for a 2D shape (like a square).

The 3rd dimension add depth (the z-axis), to create volume. This is the end of the physically perceptible dimensions.

The 4th dimension is the position in time occupied by a 3D object. 

The higher dimensions (5th –10th) are difficult to see and can be explained as “folds”, i.e. if you use a piece of paper to represent a plane, and you fold that piece of paper in 2, every point on the paper has a twin that coexists at the same XY coordinates.

The 5th dimension is a world slightly different than ours, from which we could measure similarities and differences to our own world

6th dimension-resized

The 6th dimension is a plane containing all possible universes with the same start conditions as ours.

The 7th-9th dimension are multiverses.

The 7th dimension is all possible worlds that begin with different start conditions. 

The 8th dimension is a plane of all possible worlds, each with different start conditions, each branching out infinitely. 

In the 9th  dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions.

The 10th dimension is where everything possible and imaginable is covered - Infinite Possibilities

We believe that solutions must seek to look beyond the obvious and therefore apply a 10th dimension attitude where infinite possibilities compel us to radically reconsider our perception of infinity, the possible and the impossible.